Die Radew (RADÜE)
Trip duration: 3-4 days (for the whole trail length). Difficulty: (2)

River length 83 km / 77 km trail length
The sources of the Radew are close to the village of Żydowo in the Bytow Lakeland (about 8 miles east of Bobolice). Initially it flows in a narrow valley surrounded by forests. Then it flows through several lakes (including the artificial lakes of Hajek and Rosnowskie). Before the mouth it twists in a wide arc to the north. The river valley is much wider and on the valley floor the old meanders can be seen. It connects with the Parseta in Karlino.
The undoubted highlight of the trail is its varied course. The trail is recommended for novice kayakers and canoeits. Kayaking and canoing the Radew has the advantage of possibly extending this trail along the Parseta and ending in Kolobrzeg on the Baltic Sea coast. In places the river is almost like a fast flowing stream, with shallow rapids which can be canoed without any problem.
Proposed daily runoff distances on the Radew river:
Mostowo –Niedalino – 17 km
Niedalino –Nosowo – 20 km
Nosowo – Karlino – 15 km
The runoff could be continued on the Parseta RiverDistances from Swornegacie (for kayak and canoe delivery):
Żydowo – 80 km
Kurowo – 80 km
Mostowo – 93 km
Niedalino – 110 km
Nosowo – 130 km
Karlino – 130 km
Kłopotowo – 140 km
Pustary – 150 km
Kołobrzeg – 160 km

River length 83 km / 77 km trail length
The sources of the Radew are close to the village of Żydowo in the Bytow Lakeland (about 8 miles east of Bobolice). Initially it flows in a narrow valley surrounded by forests. Then it flows through several lakes (including the artificial lakes of Hajek and Rosnowskie). Before the mouth it twists in a wide arc to the north. The river valley is much wider and on the valley floor the old meanders can be seen. It connects with the Parseta in Karlino.
The undoubted highlight of the trail is its varied course. The trail is recommended for novice kayakers and canoeits. Kayaking and canoing the Radew has the advantage of possibly extending this trail along the Parseta and ending in Kolobrzeg on the Baltic Sea coast. In places the river is almost like a fast flowing stream, with shallow rapids which can be canoed without any problem.
Proposed daily runoff distances on the Radew river:
Mostowo –Niedalino – 17 km
Niedalino –Nosowo – 20 km
Nosowo – Karlino – 15 km
The runoff could be continued on the Parseta RiverDistances from Swornegacie (for kayak and canoe delivery):
Żydowo – 80 km
Kurowo – 80 km
Mostowo – 93 km
Niedalino – 110 km
Nosowo – 130 km
Karlino – 130 km
Kłopotowo – 140 km
Pustary – 150 km
Kołobrzeg – 160 km