Trip duration: 2-3 days (for the whole trail length). Difficulty: (1)
River length 47 km / 45 km trail length

The Zbrzyca is a left tributary of the river Brda. It flows from Lake Duzy Zbełk and ends its course flowing into the lake near Swornegacie-Witoczno. It crosses the Charzykowy Plain and is mostly surrounded by the Zaborski Landscape Park. Wooded shore lines add charm and variety to this trail. Canoeists and kayakers happily say that the Zbrzyca is the most beautiful tributary of the Brda. The rivers that flow into it – Młosienica (Młosina), Klonecznica and Kulawa are perfect for one-day rallies. The river is safe – often chosen as the first in a canoeing / kayaking adventure. The best places to start are Sominy or Lesno – 2-day trips to the river mouth. The trip can be continued on the river Brda.
Proposed daily runoff distances on the Zbrzyca river:
Sominy – Widno – 24 km
Widno – Swornegacie – 17 km
Lesno – Laska 15 km
Laska – Swornegacie 15 km
Distances from Swornegacie (for kayak and canoe delivery):
Sominy – 45 km
Parzyn – 30 km
Lesno – 25 km
Kaszuba – 25 km
Rolbik – 25 km
Widno – 20 km
Laska – 20 km
Sluza – 20 km
Swornegacie (our base) 0 km